Sunday, August 29, 2010

Moving On

Tomorrow is moving day - we are off to Estes Park - so today was cleaning, laundry and packing up day. Not fun. I think this is why Joseph would prefer to stay for 30 days each time we stop.

The final days in Colorado Springs were typically great. On Thursday we hiked in the Red Canyon Open Space. These open spaces are huge undeveloped parks which are very accessible. They are basically in town and feature hiking trails. After our hike, we went to Manitou Springs for lunch. Manitou Springs is a cute little town at the edge of Pikes Peak. It has the typical tourist shops, but still a fun stop.

On Friday we opted for another motorcycle ride. At first, as the temperature climbed to 97, I began to question our wisdom, but as we drove into the mountains the temperature eventually went down to 71. As usual, the views from the bike were amazing. How am I going to ride in Texas again after these Colorado rides?

That's Pike's Peak in the background.

On Saturday we went to the Pioneers Museum and had lunch at Phantom Canyon Brewing Company. Good food and good beer. I am looking forward to more beer tasting in Fort Collins and Golden. I believe I might also find some wineries.

Here are some more pictures.

View from Red Rock Canyon.
More shots from the road.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Seven Falls and Lots of Steps

Yesterday we visited Seven Falls.  This has been a Colorado Springs tourist attraction since the 1890's.  The falls are located in a beautiful box canyon.  You can see the falls from a view point you reach by riding an in-mountain elevator up 140 feet (it is amazing the structures which are built just for tourists) or by walking up 224 steps.

Of course, Joseph and I walked up the steps, but the highlight was the trail at the top.  It was a rather difficult hike (probably rated moderate - but not easy for us!) but worth the views from Inspiration Point.

After the hike, we had a picnic by a mountain stream and then rode up into another part of the canyon.  The views were spectacular.  You ride by a sign which advises you to watch for falling rock and look up to see huge rocks percariously balanced on the side of the mountain.  Of course, all Joseph sees is the road.  Here are some some more pictures.

And of course, another shot of the waterfall.

I don't think there is any place that Joseph would rather be!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

As you know, I have complained about the poor internet access previously. Well, Saturday was the worse. I started the morning trying to work on my blog and, after having no luck getting on the internet, I went outside. This is a particular challenge since I am facing the sun and it is extremely difficult to even see the screen. I was still having problems and went to our neighbor’s picnic table (they seem to have better internet than we do), but it was no better and I finally gave up. When we returned from our adventures for the dat, I tried again. I was able to get some internet and managed to finish the blog and upload the pictures (while I watched a very bad movie - at least it was distracting). I was making the final edits when everything just quit. So - I returned to the picnic table (for some reason the internet is a little better outside) and with the flashlight in one hand, managed to complete the entry. Of course, I have not included in this narrative all of the loud cursing and banging that happened prior to my exit outside!

On Saturday, there was a MIA/POW Veterens Appreciation ride to Cripple Creek.  We did not go on the ride but went to Cripple Creek later.  I was amazed at the number of people and bikes which were there.

Part of the event was the appearance of the traveling reproduction of the Vietnam Memorial Wall which was in Victor, a little mining town a few miles away.  This was my first change to see the traveling Wall.  It is very sobering any time you see it.

I have been taking pictures from the back of the bike, so here is a sample.

On Sunday we attended a show at the Academy which was presented by the Air Force.  The group, Tops in Blue, is made up of active airmen (and airwomen - is that a word?).  They presented a really fun, energetic show and were all very talented. 

On Monday, we took a hike here at the Academy.  The good part about hiking here is that Amber went with us.  I think she had more energy after the hike than Joseph did!  And speaking of Amber, here is a picture of her on the lookout for the black squirrels. 

   And now it is Tuesday, and after the cold front which came through last night, I believe the high is forcast to be about 67!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

South Park City

What a day Friday was.  No rain, thunder, lightening, or hail, and I got to go to South Park.  We started the day off early for a 250 mile ride - or at least we tried to get started early.  That was before Amber bolted out of the door to chase squirrels.  Fifteen minutes later she decided she had had enough and we were able to take off.  Our destination was South Park City.  Of course, we took the scenic route.  Our first stop was for coffee at this little coffee shop.

We then took off and rode some wonderfully scenic and twisty roads.  I wish I had more pictures to share, but these narrow mountain roads do not have a lot of places where you can stop. I was glad we were going west when we were in the mountains, because the road going east  had places with about a six inch shoulder and then a vertical drop. Very few guard rails too.

These roads led to a beautiful valley surrounded by mountain peaks.  The valley, known as South Park, is at approximately 10,000 ft. elevation.

After the ride into Fairplay, we stopped at the courthouse/library/coroner's office for a picnic lunch.

However the highlight of the trip was our visit to South Park City - a recreated 1880's mining town.  Some of the buildings are in their original locations while others were brought in from other parts of the county.  The authenticity is amazing.  The only new building is the visitors center.

One of the things that makes South Park City so special is that it is not blocked off to the extent most museums are.  In many of the buildings, there are no partitions and you can really experience the way life was.

Following are a few more scenes from South Park City.  Can you even imagine teaching a room full of students of all ages and all abilities?

Of course, this scene may be a little easier to imagine!

For the first time, Joseph found a road he could do 100 mph on and still rode under the speed limit in order to enjoy the scenery. Of course, if he had been doing 100 mph, I would have been pounding him on the back!

Well, it was a great day - and a memorable one. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things have been rather quiet lately.  Saturday was a housekeeping day and on Sunday we went to the movies.  After not doing much over the weekend, I really wanted to get out Monday, so we decided to go hiking.  As I have often mentioned, Colorado weather changes rapidly, and a half a mile or so into our hike, it began to thunder.  Oh great - another ride in the rain.  We escaped the worst of it until we were on the grounds of the Academy when it began to rain hard and hail (of course).  But the really scarey incident was when we saw a flash of lightening in the middle of the street in front of us.  I was really glad to find cover.

Tuesday we went on a ride - actually the same ride as last week, but we reversed it so that it would look different.  It really did not matter though, the scenery is so wonderful, we could do the same ride every day.  In Canon City we stopped at a neat winery which was started by the Benedictine Fathers at the Holy Cross Abbey.  Their wine was very good, but then you know how much I enjoy my wine.  I would add pictures, but I forgot my camera!  Here is a link:

Yesterday we decided to take a hike along the railroad tracks near the RV Park.  It was only going to be a 1 hour hike, but after missing our entrance back into the park, we were walking for almost 2 hours.  Well, we got a good workout.  Joseph then went to a Rotary meeting.

Today may be a movie day as rain is in the forcast and I am getting real tired of getting caught in the rain - especially when it hails!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lightning and Thunder

"Lightning is Colorado's most dangerous weather hazard."  The average number of lightning strikes each year in Colorado is 494,000.  The "hot spot" for lightning is the Pike's Peak region.  Yep, that's where we are.  That is why our hiking trip was postponed Thursday.  As we set out on a hike in the Florissant National Monument, a large storm formed so we hurried back to the visitor's center.  After allowing the worst of it to pass, we got on the bike and had another ride in the rain.  When we looked over our sholders and saw blue sky, we decided to camp out in Colorado City with a burger and a beer for a while to let the good weather catch up with us.

So, on Friday, we headed back to Florissant.  This is the site of the Florissant Fossil Beds where they have found fossils from over 1,700 species - 1,500 insects and 150 plants.  However, the most spectular fossils are the petrified redwoods.

Many years ago when this area was much warmer, this was the site of a grove of redwood trees.  Amazing!

We came back to this area to hike because, due to the elavation, around 8,600 feet, the weather was much milder - probably in the low 80's.  The hike was really great.  Here is Joseph's favorite flower.

And here is the vew we had of Pike's Peak.

Rather than ride directly back to Colorado Springs, we decided to go by way of Cripple Creek.  Though this is our second time up there, the ride continues to be amazing.

Friday was just about a perfect day - we had a great hike and a great ride.  On - and the sky was blue all day!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Colorado Roads and Trails

Tuesday we took the BMW on the road - and oh, what a road.  This is only our second ride and it was better than the first.  The roads were twisty and also straight - but the scenery was always spectacular.  Riding in the mountains is of course a challenge, but Joseph loves it.  I think he enjoyed the straight sections just as much as the twisties since it gave him the opportunity to look at the passing views.

Our destination for this ride was the Royal Gorge Bridge.  It is the highest suspension bridge in the world - or so they say.  We came in the south entrance, which is not the main entrance, and rode across the bridge on the bike - dodging pedestrians along the way.

The area is a virtual amusement park with a skyway and a cog railroad to the bottom of the gorge.  The gorge was created by the Arkansas River.  However, I am still trying to figure out why they bothered to build the bridge at all. 

Yesterday we went for a 4 mile hike at Cheyenne Mountain State Park.  I know I am beginning to sound redundant, but the views were great, and the hike was just challenging enough to be considered a training hike for the Rockies.

So until I am able to get on the internet again, so long.  And I hope all of you are not "frying" in the heat I am hearing about!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Colorado Springs and Cool Weather

Well, we made it to Colorado Springs.  The internet is not very dependable, so I have had a hard time getting something posted.  We have been here for one week, and I think the best part is the weather.  The high is usually in the low 80's, however, it has been very hot and I believe the high today was in the high 80's!  We are staying at the RV Park at the Air Force Academy.  It is lovely.  Here is my view as I "work" on the computer.  As you can see, life is pretty rough.

Yesterday, we visited Garden of the Gods.  As you will see from the pictures, it is really beautiful.  I think I really love Colorado!

But, after all, everything is never perfect.  Riding the motorcycle back yesterday was hell...or I guess I mean hail.  We got caught in a storm with lots of rain and hail.  Not a fun ride.

Friday we rode to Cripple Creek.  The riding here is amazing.

Earlier in the week, we rode up Pike's Peak.  That was terrifying very exciting.  Part of the ride was on gravel.  Due to the extreme weather conditions, the road is not paved all the way up.  When we reached the top, the summit was covered in clouds - and so no pictures.  I don't think I am going back though - even if they guarantee clear skys.

So long for now.  I am going to get a lot better with this blogging stuff!