Yesterday we visited Seven Falls. This has been a Colorado Springs tourist attraction since the 1890's. The falls are located in a beautiful box canyon. You can see the falls from a view point you reach by riding an in-mountain elevator up 140 feet (it is amazing the structures which are built just for tourists) or by walking up 224 steps.
Of course, Joseph and I walked up the steps, but the highlight was the trail at the top. It was a rather difficult hike (probably rated moderate - but not easy for us!) but worth the views from Inspiration Point.
After the hike, we had a picnic by a mountain stream and then rode up into another part of the canyon. The views were spectacular. You ride by a sign which advises you to watch for falling rock and look up to see huge rocks percariously balanced on the side of the mountain. Of course, all Joseph sees is the road. Here are some some more pictures.
And of course, another shot of the waterfall.
I don't think there is any place that Joseph would rather be!
Joseph hiking? Next you'll tell me he isn't bumming smokes and drinks milk instead of protestant (Bushmills).